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Lockdown days - in the midst of it.

Last time I wrote we were all adjusting to a very new way of being. And now over a month on we still are. The world is still facing so many uncertainties. Living under the shadow of Covid-19 there is definitely an ebb and flow to my feelings but on the whole, I’m doing o.k. Our family has settled into a rhythm, of sorts! There are so many things to be thankful for and to enjoy. This read unfurls a few of the pieces at home that are keeping us on track. 😄

In order to put this blog together I’ve taken to my bed – on top rather than in it ! Our calming, simple bedroom with endless green field views is pretty inspiring, even when its grey and rainy outside. That's the great thing about working from home - you can do it anywhere, anytime with anything on - well nearly 🙈

If you‘ve been reading my stuff for a while you’ll know I’m a big fan of using music to lift my mood and / or get me moving ! Music is proving to be a super valuable resource in the house. Today, in the background I’ve put on a classical, pop covers play list which is much more funky than I imagined. It’s got a subtle eastern European flavour intertwined with the cellos and trumpets. This "Spotify" subscription is well worth the money ! Did you know there’s a special niche in neuroscience, called neuro musicology that studies the way our nervous system reacts to music? It really is very, very good for us. If you want to delve more into that you can read the full article here.

I also love to listen to LBC radio (A phone in and talk radio station) to try and get into other peoples heads. It is quite addictive, mostly pleasurable, often informative but also has a good dollop of repetitive moaning and speculation. Other soothing sounds come in the form of the whirring of the washing machine (I wonder if it’s just me that enjoys that. 😂) and the clipping of the ping pong ball. I feel the purr of our homes is unique and can either aid or hinder our enjoyment of it. What are the noises in your pad that bring your senses to life?

With the recent weather delivering bone warming heat and sparkling light we have been drawn outdoors, like many others. I appreciate the fact that we have had time to both relax and toil under those delicious blue skies. For some reason working doesn’t seem so bad when the sun is out. Probably in part due to the increase in serotonin, a gladly received, mood boosting hormone.

The exterior of our house and many of the rest on our street have been getting some real loving attention paid to them. The eaves have had a very welcome and overdue, lick of protective paint. The shed has been recoated. I’m glad we never painted the fence as this has saved us many hours of labour. And I quite like it’s natural look! 😉

Moving back indoors. We are currently trialling having our main meal at lunchtime. We had wanted to give this a go in the past but the practicalities hindered us. Without regular school, work and clubs we can now more easily adapt this to fit into our current schedule. Much of the research in this area suggests it’s beneficial in keeping your metabolism active and ultimately may be more healthy. Feels a little weird at the moment but I'm sensing it's a good move. Just need to let the habit bed in a little more. I’ll give you an update in the next blog how we get on.

As I got dressed one morning this week, I realised how much my wardrobe had shrunk. (Not physically of course!) I now oscillate between 1 pair of jeans, a couple of t-shirts, hoody and my workout gear. I wasn’t big into fashion BC (Before Covid) but I certainly wore more range than right now. LESS is fine for me on this front - it adds an element of ease into that part of the day. And when we re-emerge it may even be fun to fish out the unworn pieces. Just like having a new wardrobe !

To sum up, our home provides safety, inspiration, comfort, saddness, pleasure, graft and so much more. I feel the art of making the most of it lies in being curious, being willing to try out a different way, to learn from others and to accept the things we can change and those we have little or no control over.

When I spotted this simple, yet powerful poem I knew I wanted to share it as a way for us all to cope right now:-

This too shall pass

When things are bad, remember it won’t always be this way.

Take one day at a time.

When things are good, it won’t always be this way.

Enjoy every great moment.

By Doe Zantamata

It’s a gooddee isn’t it?

How are you coping with these changing times ? I’d love to hear your stories.

And if you need a helping hand with decluttering your home or mind I'm here for you.

Jodi x

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